Issue No.           :           1

           Issue Date         :           December 2010

           Project No.       :           768




Joint User Complex and Wholesale Fish Market at Area 44, Tuen Mun



Environmental Monitoring & Audit Report (November 2010)




Prepared By:


Allied Environmental Consultants Ltd.










Issue No.           :           1

Issue Date         :           December 2010

Project No.       :           768




Joint User Complex and Wholesale Fish Market at Area 44, Tuen Mun



Environmental Monitoring & Audit Report (November 2010)




Prepared By:


Allied Environmental Consultants Ltd.










                                                Nic H. H. Lam

                                                BSc(Hons) AMHKIOA






Checked:                                                                                Approved:                                                            

Winnie M.W. Ma                                                              Grace M. H. Kwok

BEnvMgmt(Hons) MSc AMHKIOA                                      BEng(Hons) MHKIEIA MHKIOA

                                                                                              MISWA MIAIA MRAPA LEED AP




This report has been prepared by Allied Environmental Consultants Limited with all reasonable skill, care and diligence within the terms of the Agreement with the client, incorporating our General Terms and Conditions of Business and taking account of the resources devoted to it by agreement with the client.


We disclaim any responsibility to the client and others in respect of any matters outside the scope of the above.


This report is confidential to the client and we accept no responsibility of whatsoever nature to third parties to whom this report, or any part thereof, is made known.  Any such party relies upon the report at their own risk.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents                                                                                                                                                                    i

List of Tables                                                                                                                                                                          ii

List of Figures                                                                                                                                                                        ii

List of Appendices                                                                                                                                                                 ii

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY                                                                                                                                                      1

1.    PROJECT BACKGROUND                                                                                                                                        2

1.1      Project Organization and Contact Personnel                                                                                                    2

2.    SENSITIVE RECEIVERS                                                                                                                                             3

3.    CONSTRUCTION WORKS & PROGRAMME                                                                                                      3

4.    SUMMARY OF EM&A REQUIREMENT                                                                                                                  4

5.    MONITORING METHODOLOGY                                                                                                                            6

5.1      Monitoring Programme                                                                                                                                        6

5.2      Air Quality Monitoring                                                                                                                                        6

5.3      Noise Monitoring                                                                                                                                                  6

6.    RESULTS                                                                                                                                                                       7

6.1.      Air Quality                                                                                                                                                              7

6.2.      Noise                                                                                                                                                                       8

6.3.      Weather Conditions                                                                                                                                             8

7.    SITE INSPECTION & AUDIT                                                                                                                                    9

8.    Non-compliance, Complaints, Notifications of Summons and Successful Prosecutions           9

9.    OTHERS                                                                                                                                                                       10

10.  CONCLUSIONS                                                                                                                                                         10


List of Tables


Table 1 Contact Details of Key Personnel

Table 2 Interrelationship between Construction Activities and Mitigation Measures

Table 3 Action and Limit Level for Air Quality Impact Monitoring at Yuet Wu Villa

Table 4 Action and Limit Levels for Construction Noise Impact Monitoring

Table 5 Event Action Plan

Table 6 Noise Monitoring Equipment

Table 7 1-hour TSP Monitoring Results

Table 8 24-hour TSP Monitoring Results

Table 9 Noise Monitoring Results

Table 10           Summary of Weather Conditions during the Monitoring Period

Table 11           Summary of Site Inspections



List of Figures


Figure 1            Site Location Plan

Figure 2            Location of Air Quality Monitoring Station

Figure 3            Location of Noise Monitoring Station

Figure 4            Photos of Air Quality Monitoring Station

Figure 5            Photos of Noise Monitoring Station


List of Appendices


Appendix A      Detail Schedule of Monitoring Programme

Appendix B      Calibration Record of High-Volume TSP Sampler

Appendix C      Calibration Certification of the Sound Level Meter and Calibrator

Appendix D      Summary of 1-Hour TSP Monitoring Record

Appendix E      Summary of 24-Hour TSP Monitoring Record

Appendix F      Summary of Noise Monitoring Record

Appendix G      Wind Record from Hong Kong Observatory

Appendix H      Mitigation Measures Implementation Schedule for Construction Stage



Allied Environmental Consultants Limited (AEC) has been appointed to conduct an environmental monitoring and audit (EM&A) program for the proposed Joint User Complex and Wholesale Fish Market at Area 44, Tuen Mun. The construction works were commenced on 31st July 2008. This report is the twenty-eighth monthly EM&A report, which detailed the environmental monitoring and audit results recorded during the period from 1st November 2010 to 30th November 2010.


Impact environmental monitoring for the proposed Joint User Complex and Wholesale Fish Market at Area 44, Tuen Mun has been carried out on 2nd, 8th, 13th, 19th and 25th November  2010 at Block 15, Yuet Wu Villa. 1-hr TSP and noise monitoring were conducted within the period of 0700-1900 hours, where 24-hr TSP monitoring was conducted continuously for a 24-hour period.


1-hour TSP monitoring results at the monitoring location ranged from 81£gg/m3 to 120£gg/m3 with an average of 101£gg/m3. 24-hour TSP monitoring results ranged from 56£gg/m3 to 73£gg/m3 with an average of 67£gg/m3.


Noise monitoring results at the monitoring location ranged from 60.7dB(A) to 61.2dB(A) with an average of 60.9dB(A).


Based on the monitoring results, the air quality and construction noise level complied with the environmental requirements in EM&A Manual. There were no breaches of the action and limit levels.


In this reporting period, there was no updated status from EPD regarding the use of powered mechanical equipment, for the purpose of carrying out construction work other than percussive piling in respect of which a construction noise permit was not in force on 16th May 2010 at Joint-User complex and Wholesale Fish Market in Area 44, Tuen Mun, New Territories.


No other complaint, inspection notice, notification of summons or prosecution was received.


Construction activities were completed in November 2010.


Potential environmental impacts include dust generation from stockpiles of dusty materials and the internal finishes; noise from operation of the equipments, and the storage of various C&D and chemical wastes. The Contractor should properly implement the required environmental mitigation measures as per the implementation schedule in the EM&A manual to ensure no significant adverse environmental impacts to be arisen from the construction works. The Contractor was reminded to maintain good housekeeping throughout the construction phase.




A Joint User Complex and Wholesale Fish Market (WFM Complex) at Area 44 in Tuen Mun is proposed to be designed and built by Architectural Services Department on behalf of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, Marine Department, Home Affairs Department, and Food and Environmental Hygiene Department of the Hong Kong SAR. The WFM Complex is to provide a permanent site for the relocation of the existing temporary wholesale fish market at Tuen Mun Area 27 and to accommodate a community hall, a dragon boat racing spectator stand, and other community facilities for public use. The proposed development is a 3-storey complex to accommodate a wholesale fish market, a public toilet, a refuse collection point and a marine refuse collection point at the ground floor, a community hall on the first floor, and a dragon boat race spectator stand with landscaped deck on roof level. The proposed Wholesale Fish Market is categorized as a designated project under the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO) and therefore a detailed Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA-085/2002) has been conducted in year 2002 and an Environmental Permit (EP-296/2007) was issued by Environmental Protection Department in December 2007.


The subject site is located at Castle Peak Bay of Tuen Mun given in Figure 1. The subject site is bounded to the north by a future local open space presently used as a temporary car park, to the east by Castle Peak Bay typhoon shelter, to the south by a future lorry park and to the west by Wu Shan Road. Yuet Wu Villa being the nearest residential establishment is located at around 85m from the site boundary.


1.1       Project Organization and Contact Personnel


Key personnel and contact particulars are summarized in Table 1.


Table 1            Contact Details of Key Personnel



Department / Company


Contact Number

Fax Number

Lead User Department

Agriculture, Fisheries, and Conservation Department

Mr. K.H. Chan

Ms. Louise Li

2150 7092

2150 7104

2314 2866


Environmental Permit Holder

Architecture Services Department

Mr. S.W. Chow

Ms. Susana Chan

2867 3716

2867 3706

2523 9622



P&T Architects and Engineers Ltd.

Ms. Sarah Ng

Ms. Vivian Law

2835 3548

2832 3046

2891 3834


Main Contractor

W. Hing Construction Co. Ltd.

Mr. Andy Chan

Mr. Jim Lee

9630 7404

6105 4076

8343 9188

Environmental Team Leader

Allied Environmental Consultants Ltd.

Ms. Grace Kwok

2815 7028

2815 5399

Independent Environmental Checker

Cinotech Consultants Ltd.

Dr. Priscilla Choy

2151 2089

3107 1388




Air Sensitive Receivers (ASRs) within 500m include Yuet Wu Villa, lawn bowling field, tennis court, which are less than 100m away from the subject site. Tuen Mun Wu Hong Clinic is located to the west at about 100m to the site boundary. Two secondary schools, Ka Chi Secondary School and South Tuen Mun Government Secondary School, are approximately 300m to the south of the site boundary.


Noise Sensitive Receivers (NSRs) within 300m are Yuet Wu Villa, Siu Hei Court, Yan Chai Hospital Low Chan Chor Si Primary School and Wu King Estate. The nearest NSR will be Block 15 of Yuet Wu Villa.




The major works undertaken and/or completed during the monitoring period are listed below:


-         Defects rectification for internal / external finishing works;

-         Installation of additional / variation of E&M works; and

-         Preparation works for handover to end user.


Table 2 shows the interrelationship between construction activities and environmental mitigation measures for the reporting month.


Table 2            Interrelationship between Construction Activities and Mitigation Measures


Construction Works           

Major Environmental Impact

Mitigation Measures

E&M services  and planting works

Water quality impacts

Waste water were reused when practicable

Internal & external finishes and installation works

Noise impacts

Closely monitoring of noise impacts





For regular impact monitoring, the sampling frequency of at least once in every six-days, shall be strictly observed at the monitoring station for 24-hr TSP monitoring. For 1-hr TSP monitoring, the sampling frequency of at least three times in every six-days should be undertaken when the highest dust impact occurs. For noise monitoring, one set of measurement between 0700-1900 hours on normal weekdays. Leq (30 min) shall be used as the monitoring parameter.


From baseline monitoring results, the proposed Action and Limit Levels for air quality are summarized in Table 3. The average baseline 1-hr TSP value of 129£gg/m3 and 24-hr TSP value of 65£gg/m3 measured at Block 15, Yuet Wu Villa was used to determine the action and limit level for air quality impact monitoring. The proposed Action and Limit Levels for construction noise are summarized in Table 4.


Table 3            Action and Limit Level for Air Quality Impact Monitoring at Yuet Wu Villa



Baseline Level (£gg/m3)

Action Level (£gg/m3)

Limit Level (£gg/m3)

24-Hour TSP Level




1-Hour TSP Level





Table 4            Action and Limit Levels for Construction Noise Impact Monitoring


Time Period

Action Level

 Limit Level

Daytime (0700-1900 hours) on weekdays

When one documented compliant is received

Dwelling 75dB(A) 1

School 70dB(A) 1

(65dB(A) during examinations) 1

1900-2300 on any day and 0700-2300 on Sunday and general holidays, for use of PME2

When one documented compliant is received

65dB(A) 3

All days during the night-time (2300-0700 hours) 2


When one documented compliant is received

50dB(A) 3

Note: 1. Construction noise criteria stipulated in the TM-EIAO

2. A Construction Noise Permit (CNP) shall be required for the carrying out of the construction work during the restricted hours (1900-2300 on any day and 0700-2300 on Sunday and general holidays, for use of PME; and All days during the night-time (2300-0700 hours))

3. Area sensitivity rating of the monitoring location is ¡§B¡¨.


Should non-compliance of the above Action and Limit levels occurs, the contractor shall undertake corresponding in accordance with the proposed Event Action Plan given in the EM&A Manual. A summarized general Event Action Plan is given in Table 5. Details should be referred to the Event Action Plan in the EM&A Manual.


Table 5            Event Action Plan



Step 1

Step 2

Step 3


l  Identify source

l  Check monitoring data and working methods

l  Contact project manager to discuss and implement remedial action

l  Rectify any unacceptable practice

l  Amend working methods if appropriate

l  If exceedance continues, commence additional monitoring

l  Notify client/project manager following correct of the situation

l  Cease additional monitoring if exceedance stops


l  Identify source

l  Notify client/project manager

l  Check monitoring data and working methods

l  Repeat measurement to confirm finding

l  Commence additional monitoring

l  Take immediate action to avoid further exceedance

l  Submit proposal for remedial actions to client/project manager within 3 working days

l  Implement the agreed proposal

l  If exceedance continues, amend and resubmit the proposal

l  Notify client/project manager following correction of the situation

l  Cease additional monitoring if exceedance stops



5.1       Monitoring Programme


Air quality monitoring and noise monitoring were conducted at Block 15, Yuet Wu Villa on 2nd, 8th, 13th, 19th and 25th November 2010. The construction activities were completed in November 2010. Appendix A displayed the detail schedule of the monitoring programme. Air quality monitoring station was set up at the roof top of the residential block and noise monitoring was conducted at 1.2m above ground level in front of the residential block and at the junction of Wu Sau Street and Wu On Street as given in Figures 2 and 3. Figures 4 and 5 show photos taken during monitoring at the two locations.


5.2       Air Quality Monitoring


1-hour and 24-hour TSP air quality monitoring was conducted at the designated air quality monitoring location using a High Volume TSP Sampler (Model No: Anderson GMWS-2310 ACCU-VOL) at the designated location. The Calibration Record of the High-Volume TSP Sampler is given in Appendix B. 24-hour TSP samples were taken every six days. 1-hour TSP samples were taken three times a day between 0700-1900 hours. The weighing of the filter paper used in the monitoring was undertaken by ALS Laboratory Group Environmental Division. (HOKLAS Registration No.: 066)


5.3       Noise Monitoring


Noise monitoring was conducted at the designated noise monitoring location between 0700-1900 hours using a sound level meter which complies with the International Electrotechnical Commission Publications 651:1979 (Type 1) and 804:1985 (Type 1). Noise instrumentation details are given in Table 6 and the Calibration Certificate for the sound level meter and calibrator is given in Appendix C.


Table 6            Noise Monitoring Equipment



Type/Model No.



Model NL 31

Precision Sound Level Analyser with windshield


Model NC 73


AZ Instrument

AZ Instrument 8908



Noise level measurements were recorded in terms of thirty minutes A-weighted equivalent continuous sound pressure level (Leq(30min)) on a weekly basis. The sound level meter was calibrated immediately prior to and following each noise measurement. The meter was mounted on a tripod at a height of 1.2m and the microphone was positioned at 1m away the building façade of the noise monitoring station facing the construction site.


Noise measurements were not made in the presence of fog, rain, and wind with a steady speed exceeding 5m/s or wind with gusts exceeding 10m/s. The wind speed was checked with a portable anemometer capable of measuring the wind speed in m/s.

6.       RESULTS

6.1.       Air Quality


1-hour and 24-hour TSP monitoring results are summarized in Tables 7 and 8 and serve as the basis for determining the action and limit levels. The minimum and maximum 1-hour TSP measured at Yuet Wu Villa was 81£gg/m3 and 120£gg/m3 respectively with an average of 101£gg/m3. The minimum and maximum 24-hour TSP measured was 56£gg/m3 and 73£gg/m3 respectively with an average of 67£gg/m3. Summary of air quality monitoring record is provided in Appendices D and E.


Table 7            1-Hour TSP Monitoring Results



1-hr TSP (£gg/m3)



Reading 1

Reading 2

Reading 3


2nd November 2010






8th November 2010





13th November 2010





19th November 2010





25th November 2010






Table 8            24-Hour TSP Monitoring Results



24-hr TSP (£gg/m3)

2nd November 2010


8th November 2010


13th November 2010


19th November 2010


25th November 2010





6.2.       Noise


Noise monitoring results in terms of Leq(30min), L10(30min) L90(30min) measured at the designated noise monitoring location are summarized in Table 9. L10(30min) and L90(30min) represent sound levels that are exceeded 10% and 90% of the time respectively. Normally, L10(30min) measurements can be considered as the average peak levels, whilst L90(30min) levels can be considered as the average background noise levels.


During the reporting month, the minimum and maximum noise level measured at Yuet Wu Villa was 60.7dB(A) Leq(30min) and 61.2dB(A) Leq(30min) respectively with an average of 60.9dB(A) Leq(30min). No exceedance was recorded in this reporting period. Summary of noise monitoring record will be provided in Appendix F.


Table 9            Noise Monitoring Results



L10(30mins) (dB(A))

L90(30mins)  (dB(A))

Leq (30mins)  (dB(A))

2nd November 2010




8th November 2010




13th November 2010




19th November 2010




25th November 2010









6.3.       Weather Conditions


Weather data of the monitoring station were obtained from the nearest Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) Tuen Mun automatic weather station located at Tuen Mun Town Park (63 mPD). Table 10 summarizes the wind data during the monitoring dates. Wind record from HKO is shown in Appendix G.


Table 10          Summary of Weather Conditions during the Monitoring Period




Prevailing Wind direction

Daily Average Wind speed (m/s)

2nd November 2010




8th November 2010




13th November 2010




19th November 2010




25th November 2010




Remarks: *The HKO Tuen Mun automatic weather station is under maintenance on that day.



4 site inspections were conducted by the Environmental Team (ET) in this reporting period. Major observations by the ET, actions by the Contractor and outcome are summarized in the Table 11.


Table 11          Summary of Site Inspections




Action taken by Contractor


5th November 2010

No observations during inspection.

Contractor was required to keep up with the mitigation measures.


12th November  2010

No observations during inspection.

Contractor was required to keep up with the mitigation measures.


19th  November 2010

No observations during inspection.

Contractor was required to keep up with the mitigation measures.


26th November 2010

No observations during inspection.

Contractor was required to keep up with the mitigation measures.



During site inspections in the reporting month, no non-conformance of implementation of environmental mitigation measures was identified. All environmental mitigation measures for construction stages stated in approved EIA Report, EM&A Manual and Environmental Permit shall be carried out throughout the whole construction period as shown in Appendix H.


8.       Non-compliance, Complaints, Notifications of Summons and Successful Prosecutions


In this reporting period, there was no updated status from EPD regarding the use of powered mechanical equipment, for the purpose of carrying out construction work other than percussive piling in respect of which a construction noise permit was not in force on 16th May 2010 at Joint-User complex and Wholesale Fish Market in Area 44, Tuen Mun, New Territories.


No other complaint, inspection notice, notification of summons or prosecution was received.  


9.       OTHERS


In the reporting month, a total of 15.7 tonnes of inert C&D material was disposed of at public fill. A total of 7.08 tonnes of waste including general refuse and non-inert C&D wastes such as timber and bamboo were disposed to landfill. No chemical waste was transported off site in this reporting period.




Environmental monitoring has been carried out for the proposed Joint User Complex and Wholesale Fish Market at Area 44, Tuen Mun. 1-hour and 24-hour TSP air quality monitoring and noise monitoring was conducted at Block 15, Yuet Wu Villa during the period from 1st November 2010 to 30th November 2010.


The average 1-hour TSP level is 101£gg/m3 and average 24-hour TSP level is 67£gg/m3. For impact noise monitoring, the average Leq(30min) is 60.9dB(A). All monitoring results complied with the relevant action and limit levels.


In this reporting period, there was no updated status from EPD regarding the use of powered mechanical equipment, for the purpose of carrying out construction work other than percussive piling in respect of which a construction noise permit was not in force on 16th May 2010 at Joint-User complex and Wholesale Fish Market in Area 44, Tuen Mun, New Territories.


No other complaint, inspection notice, notification of summons or prosecution was received.